This is what Fushimi Inari shrine is famous for: a walkway lined with thousands of torii gates. This is the start of the walkway. |
This is looking backwards down the walkway. The black writing on the back of the toriis indicate the person or business that donated them. Apparently the wooden toriis age quickly and must be replaced every few years. Dontaing a torii is supposed to bring good luck. |
And here's Allyn's show-off picture to prove he was there. The whole trip only took about 35 minutes from the time Allyn left Kyoto Station to the time he returned. Teri was surprised! All in all it was a great little adventure. |
Day 12: Miyajima Island. Teri looks tired because we are getting an early start for our long trip today. |
We're waiting for our Shinkansen train that will take us to Osaka where we will change to another train. |
Teri drinks some delicious Pocari Sweat. Actually the name isn't so silly at second glance: Pocari Sweat is a drink like Gatorade that is meant to replenish minerals and electrolytes lost through sweating. |
We didn't have a reserved seat ticket for the Osaka to Hiroshima part of the trip. We weren't worried because of our positive experience yesterday. Well, we should have been more worried because it turned out the train was only 8-cars long instead of 16 and had less unreserved space. So we ended up standing most of the way to Hiroshima (over an hour). This is just a shot of the countryside. |
This is the local train that will take us from Hiroshima to Miyajimaguchi where we will catch a ferry to Miyajima Island. |
It will be just a short walk from the Miyajimaguchi station to the ferry terminal. The ferry is free with our Japan Rail passes! |